
Uralchem does not tolerate fraud or bribery in any form and commits to comply with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation, and to identify, prevent and counter such offenses. Uralchem has developed and approved an Anti-Corruption Policy, which defines the key principles and requirements for preventing corruption and complying with applicable laws.

Our anti-corruption guidelines

Compliance with current legislation and generally accepted standards.
Compliance with current legislation and generally accepted standards. The Company runs anti-corruption measures in accordance with the Constitution, federal laws, and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
Принцип личного примера руководства
Tone at the top. Uralchem's management plays a key role in fostering a culture of zero tolerance to corruption and creating a corporate anti-corruption system.
Принцип соразмерности антикоррупционных процедур риску коррупции
Commensurability of anti-corruption procedures with the risk of corruption. Uralchem analyses applicable corruption risks and implements a series of measures to reduce the probability of involvement of the Company, its CEO and employees in corrupt acts.
Принцип эффективности антикоррупционных процедур
Efficiency of anti-corruption procedures. The Company develops and implements only low-cost, easy-to-implement and result-ensuring anti-corruption measures.
Принцип ответственности и неотвратимости наказания
Accountability. Any employee who committed an act of corruption in their line of work will be held personally liable for their actions, regardless of their position, length of service or other conditions. The CEO of the Company is personally responsible for the compliance with the corporate anti-corruption policy.
Принцип открытости бизнеса
Business openness. The Company informs contractors, partners, and the public about its anti-corruption business standards.
Принцип постоянного контроля и регулярного мониторинга
Continuous monitoring. The Company continuously monitors the efficiency of the anti-corruption standards and procedures, and their observance.

Please see the Hotline section to learn more about Uralchem’s Anti-Corruption Hotline.