Uralchem Announcement

Uralchem Announcement
Uralchem (the Company), one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of nitrogen, potash and complex fertilisers, announces that today certain information appeared in several media outlets about the allegedly official position of the Company regarding sales in Kenya of a humanitarian shipment of fertilisers produced by the Company.

This information is false and not correct. Uralchem has not published any press releases on the matter and does not comment on the authenticity of the information that appeared in the mass media. The sole official source of information of the Company is its corporate website at www.uralchem.com, where Uralchem’s press release is published on the supply of fertilisers to Africa on a free-of-charge basis.

The Company intends to make humanitarian shipments of fertilisers to African countries, but no deliveries to Kenya have been planned to date.