Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers Company Launches the Production of Water-Soluble Fertilizers

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers Company Launches the Production of Water-Soluble Fertilizers

In February, Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers Company switched to producing water-soluble fertilizers on an industrial scale.

Implementation of this major investment project started back in 2011. Approximately 500 million RUR were allocated for this purpose. As a result, developers came up with a unique technological scheme for the production of water-soluble MAP (ammonium phosphate fertilizer) from wet-process phosphoric acid. The scheme is unparalleled anywhere in the world. Crystallization occurs continuously over a single stage, which allows for the manufacture of a product of the same level as that of products manufactured by well-known global producers (such as Prayon and ICL). What’s more, in terms of such parameters as turbidity and toxicity (content of toxic constituents), the products manufactured by Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers Company are absolutely unrivalled. In 2015, the daily output of MAP reached its all-time high of 85 tons per day.

At the same time, a technique for blending fertilizers on the basis of water-soluble MAP was established and pilot batches of NPK 19:19:19 and NPK 13:40:13 blends were produced. These high-margin fertilizers were made on the basis of products manufactured within the URALCHEM group. A relevant formula for the blend was created and testing was conducted in order to select water-soluble anti-clodding conditioner. A fertilizer-blending unit was also assembled and installed, and new brands were registered.

Relevant plans have been worked out and confirmed at various levels. In particular, it is planned to switch to large-scale production this year and reach an output almost twice as high as the current one – a production projection of up to 50 tons of fertilizers per year.

Solar is an environmentally friendly, new-generation product. It is a mix of highly effective solutions for the problem of mineral nutrition. This mix is specially designed for protected ground, fertigation systems, and foliar fertilizing applied to field crops.

For further details about the Solar range of products, go to http://solar.uralchem.com/