URALCHEM Invested RUB 97 Million in Energy Efficiency

URALCHEM Invested RUB 97 Million in Energy Efficiency

In 2015, as part of a five-year programme to improve energy production and resource efficiency at the facilities, JSC URALCHEM implemented measures amounting to more than 97 million rubles.

These measures have affected all the plants of the Group and were aimed at upgrading energy-intensive production units, decreasing the anthropogenic impact on the environment and increasing the enterprise’s operational efficiency. As a result, the Group has managed to reduce electricity and water consumption, increase output, and improve the most important indicator of production efficiency – the natural gas consumption per ton of ammonia. Whereas it amounted to 1104 Nm3/t in 2014, in 2015 it was reduced to 1093 Nm3/t.

Savings in fuel and energy resources are the most important component of URALCHEM’s sustainable development and rational approach to nature. To solve problems related to the efficient use of resources, the company introduced a programme designed to run up to 2020. In accordance with the implementation plan, URALCHEM will invest a further 536 million rubles.

This year, the implementation of the programme will continue. Activities will be primarily aimed at increasing the daily output of ammonia, increasing equipment reliability and further reducing consumption ratios.