URALCHEM Increased Funding for Social Programs by 126%

URALCHEM Increased Funding for Social Programs by 126%

In 2015, the URALCHEM Group increased its funding for social and charitable programs to 531 million rubles. Compared to the year 2014, this increase amounted to 126%.

URALCHEM’s charity and sponsorship activities are carried out in areas which are most relevant to the regions in which the company is present. URALCHEM pays special attention to young population sports development, support for disadvantaged people, initiatives in the field of education and culture, and working with young people.

In 2015, Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Works allocated 110 million rubles to social programs. The company became one of the leaders in corporate philanthropy in Russia on the basis of a competition organized by the Vedomosti newspaper, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and the Donors Forum. The program ‘URALCHEM – to Children’, nominated in the category ‘The Best Program Reflecting the Policy of Corporate Philanthropy and Social Investment Principles’, was highly appreciated by the jury and ranked in the top three.

In May 2015, URALCHEM and the Government of the Kirov Region signed an agreement on social partnership. According to that agreement, URALCHEM, confirming its social responsibility, ensured its participation in addressing priority social issues in the region, with special emphasis on the development of children’s sports, support for gifted children, mentoring schools, improvement of the public institutions’ efficiency, and promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people.

Azot and JSC Mineral Fertilizers plants located in the Perm region allocated approximately 48 million rubles to charitable projects in 2015.

Azot plant is a sponsor of the Swimming Federation of the Perm region, as well as competitions in swimming and other sports. In 2015, URALCHEM became a partner of the Seventh All-Russian Swimming Competition for the prizes of Honoured Master of Sports Vladimir Selkov. Azot is actively cooperating with youth and veterans organizations, supports cultural projects and provides assistance to socially vulnerable people.

JSC Perm Mineral Fertilizers regularly supports Perm’s youth sports organization, and it cooperates with educational institutions and youth organizations.

JSC Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers (Moscow region) allocated 4.9 million rubles for sponsorship and charity. The main areas of social activities of the enterprise were support of sporting events, cooperation with youth organizations, as well as providing assistance to its sponsored educational institutions and vulnerable people.

In Latvia, the company spent 18 million rubles on charitable programs. These programs were aimed at supporting Russian culture projects, assisting schools and treating seriously ill children.

URALCHEM itself allocated 350 million rubles to the financing of social and charitable programs in 2015. The company continues to support projects in the field of youth sports – it is funding the Russian Swimming Federation, the Perm Region Swimming Federation, the Perm Region Boxing Federation, as well as various sports programs and activities.

Much of the money has been allocated to support children who have shown talents in the arts, science and sports. Together with the Talent and Success Fund, the company is involved in the reconstruction of a concert hall in the city of Sochi.

An important area of charitable activities was the Kadetstvo Project launched in 2013 and implemented in cooperation with the Foundation for Development of Civil Society Institutions.

The company attaches great importance to the support of educational institutions and projects. It continues its traditional cooperation with the chemical faculty of Moscow State University.